Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

3G Class Teacher is Mrs Greatwich

3M Class Teacher is Miss Morris

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Armitage

Keep up to date with us on Seesaw

Mrs Greatwich

Mrs Greatwich

Year 3 Teacher

Miss Morris

Miss Morris

Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Armitage

Mrs Armitage

Learning Support Assistant

Below you will find out a little bit of information about life in Year 3…

In our English work, we develop our reading and writing skills through the use of high-quality texts, incorporating poetry, drama and grammar. Enjoyment of reading and a love of books are encouraged through individual and whole class reading activities, we also encourage the children to read every day at home too!  This term, we are reading the book ‘Fox’ by Margaret Wild and learning about a fable narratives and reports.

In mathematics, we deliver a focussed curriculum building on our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills in all aspects of maths including number, shape, space and measure. We work alone, in partners, in small groups and as a class to improve our Numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations, using a variety of concrete apparatus whilst we do.  We are currently finishing learning about adding and subtracting three-digit numbers, exchanging across the tens and hundreds.

Our afternoons include: History, Geography, Design Technology or Art, Computing, Science, R.E, P.E and PSHE (JIGSAW), these subjects are taught through an enquiry approach and a key question as a focus. More information on these can be found by clicking our Curriculum Overview button above or head to out school curriculum pages here

As a school we use JIGSAW materials to supplement our P4C and PSHE curriculum. Our aim is to develop the underpinning qualities and skills that help promote good mental health, positive behaviour and effective learning. It focuses on five social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills. Through this, we help our children to develop skills such as understanding another’s point of view, working in a group, sticking at things when they get difficult, resolving conflict and managing worries. They will build on effective work already in place in school that pays systematic attention to the social and emotional aspects of learning through whole-school ethos, initiatives such as circle time or buddy schemes, and the taught personal, social and health education (PSHE) and Citizenship curriculum.

The children also have weekly sessions of Music on a Monday and P.E on a Tuesday and Wednesday (your child must come to school appropriately dressed for P.E on the right days).

Your child will also have the opportunity to take home a home reading book, which they can read by themselves. They will be able to change their home reading book when they need to, and put it into their book bag. They will be reminded to do this when they get to school. If possible, please write the date and book title in your child’s reading record with a short comment to communicate with us in school that you have heard your child read.

As well as whole class reading lessons, your child will read an individual reading book in school with an adult, and then bring it home to continue to read at home, too. This book will be kept in your child’s plastic wallet and should be brought to school every day. Your child is encouraged to read at home at least 3 times a week with an adult if possible. Talk to your child about what they have read to ensure understanding, ask them questions about what has happened so far and ask them to predict what might happen next. We also ask for your child’s reading to be logged in their yellow Reading Log, with the date and a short comment to communicate with us that your child has read. When your child has finished their book, they will bring it into school to change it for a new one. If children wish, they can choose their own book from home to read.

The children have a seesaw login code where homework will be uploaded every week. Each week you’ll find some of things we have been doing in class as well as what’s coming up the next week, weekly spellings to learn and an activity for your child to do at home. This may be a consolidation activity, an extension activity or a research based activity. If you need a paper copy of the Home-School link sheet to come home weekly for whatever reason please let your child’s class teacher know. Likewise, if you need your child’s Seesaw details please contact a member of the Year 3 team we will be happy to help with this.

If you have any questions about Year 3, please speak to a member of our staff on the gate at home-time or contact us via Seesaw or leave a message with the school office.

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