Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

1C Class Teacher is Miss Cusack

1G Class Teacher is Mrs Gregory

Year 1 Learning Support Assistants: Ms Nuttall and Ms Walker

Keep up to date with us on Seesaw

Miss Cusack

Miss Cusack


Mrs Gregory

Mrs Gregory


Ms Nuttall

Ms Nuttall

Support Staff

Ms Walker

Ms Walker

Support Staff

Below you will find information relating to Year 1 life…

In English this year, we will be reading a range of exciting books and developing our reading and writing skills.  We will be engaging with each book through reading, drama, poetry, discussing our likes, dislikes and predictions as well as relating it to other stories we have heard before.  Each book will have a fiction and non-fiction writing outcome.  We hope to foster a love of books and reading through individual, guided and shared reading activities. Each child will receive a reading folder containing a reading book, reading record book and useful information. Children should bring their reading bag to school daily. Children will read this book in a guided reading session with their teacher and another time with their LSA. Please ensure this book is returned to school, as your child will need the book during this group session. This book will be changed weekly. When reading at home, please write the date and book title in your child’s yellow reading record with a short comment to communicate with us in school that you have read with your child. Be sure to discuss the illustrations, tricky vocabulary and ask your child lots of questions about the story.

We will be teaching Mathematics using our White Rose Maths programme, taking part in lots of practical activities involving number, shape, space, measure, and problem- solving. We work alone, in partners, in small groups and as a class to improve our Numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations. White Rose Maths follows the CPA approach. Concrete- Children have the opportunity to work with physical objects/ concrete resources, in order to bring the maths to life and to build understanding of what they are doing. Pictorial- alongside concrete resources, children work with pictorial representations, making links to the concrete. Visualising a problem in this way can help children to reason and solve problems. Abstract- with the support of both concrete resources and pictorial representations, children can develop their understanding of abstract methods.

Our afternoons include Science, History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art and Computing and these subjects are taught through topics and key questions. The children also have weekly sessions of R.E., Music and P.E. as well as P.S.H.E. and Dance. More information on these can be found by clicking our Curriculum Overview button above or head to out school curriculum pages here.

1C and 1G both have PE on a Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school in full P.E. kit on these days.

Homework will be set on Fridays via the Seesaw app. Children may respond on Seesaw or in the Home School Link Book which was provided at the beginning of the school year. This book is to be kept in school. If you misplace your child’s Seesaw details please contact a member of the Year 1 team we will be happy to help with this.

If you have any questions about Year 1, please speak to a member of our staff  at home-time or contact us via Seesaw or leave a message with the school office.


Vehicle Text: ‘Old Bear’

Writing Outcomes:

Narrative: Finding Narrative/Letter

Purpose: To retell a story/to inform and explain events that have happened




Autumn 1- Who is a Christian and what do they believe?


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